Data-Driven Advertising for the World of Tomorrow

The most important questions advertisers ask are: Are the ads reaching the right target audience? And even if they reached the target group, have the ads made the impact that it was intended to? These are very important questions every advertiser or marketer needs to ask and know or else you don’t know if all the resources you’ve spent have gone into productivity. These are vital components in analyzing the effectiveness of an ad.

Easier said than done, these tasks are as compared to building an aircraft while you are in the air. But the evolution in the technology of artificial intelligence (AI) has made possible things that were not possible in the past. And with the development of advanced machine learning technology and the ever-changing nature of consumers, personalized ads have become one of the most important spheres to be considered in delivering ads. But as much as personalized ads seemed impossible yesterday it seems much beyond a possibility today.
Data-driven advertising has become the norm of today’s advertising success mantra. Here are some key highlights in this particular technology:

1. AI has the ability to not just store huge amounts of data, but also to process it in a matter of seconds. This gigantic ability enables AI to harness meaningful insights from a set of data which may include various unnecessary and unproductive information.

2. Personalized ads in real time have become a possibility because of AI’s ability to quickly make sense of data that is fed. AI analyses the consumption pattern, history pointers, behavioral changes and other key demographic and psychographic spheres to help automatically create content that is most relevant and suitable for that particular individual.

3. The level of ad relevancy is directly proportionate to the level of impact the content will have on the viewer. So if your ad is able to connect very deeply with the viewer, so much more will it impact and influence the decision making the process of the viewer.

A survey conducted by a research group in the US tells us that more than 55% of users in the market find personally relevant ads more persuasive and impactful than those that they are not able to connect with. And the power that top marketing automation tools offer today enables both marketers and advertisers in curating content/ads that are specifically tailored to that particular individual.

Of course, demographic information if as vital as behavioral insights, but these psychographic pointers are proven to increase ad engagement and decision making once they have been triggered at the right time.  As our society is moving more the idea of community to high individualism, not only do marketers and advertisers need to understand this changing nature, but also businesses as a whole needs to be prepared to adapt to the change in the environment. The only way to keep up with competition is by being in the flow of development and innovation. 


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